Chaos Harmony Set of 2
Chaos Harmony Set of 2
Story of the Chaos Harmony :The messy side represented the chaos and unpredictability of life, while the neat side symbolized the structure and order we try to impose on it. The design empathizes with the circle of life which blend the two sides, creating designs that reflected the balance between order and chaos.
Craftsmanship of Chaos Harmony :The 30% of the cushion surface is overlaid by a macrame twisted cord net pattern, outlined by a meticulous macrame braid towards the center, the base fabric is embroidered with jute. A macrame flower trinket with golden bead highlight adorns the lower corner. The cushion cover also features a flappy fringe running through the center. The remaining design comprises layers of stripes of embroideries using different materials, making this cushion cover a perfect blend of elegance and craftsmanship.
Care of product: It is advised to refrain from washing in a machine and instead opt for a gentle hand wash in a bucket. It is highly recommended to perform spot cleaning whenever possible.